Child abuse in India is increasing by all means.This has become quite a common thing that it has lost its news value for the media. The children are being abused at homes, schools and even in public places. Disabled, especially mentally disabled children are being abused about 4 times, more than the other children.
Children are also being abused at the so called "protection homes" like orphanagesetc. Most of the orphanages in India have became business centers. They are running not because of charity, but to accept income tax free donations and financial assistance from Government and other funding from philanthropists. They keep no empathy for the children.About 70 percent of the children who are in need of care and protection are being abused or neglected here. They bring children through some agents to increase the number of inmates and thereby increase the financial assistance. Nobody knows where these children are being sent or sold. There were a lot of complaints that even organs of these children are being sold in the market. Some private hospitals and doctors are after them.They usually keep the number of inmates confidential. These homes never register themselves under the JJ Act and they fight against these registrations.
Adoption agencies are another centers of cruelty. There are places in India where they allow unwed pregnant ladies to deliver in their homes on a precondition that the child when born will be given to these centers. They get the written agreement or surrender deed well in advance. Some Notary Publics are more than thier paid employees for the attestation these deeds. Recently CARA in india has proposed that the surrender should be made in the presence of any CWC member. This proposal is being opposed by the adoption centers and they are on a fight against it.
Our children should not have fear of their family. Family is place where they should get support, comfort, protection and care. But instances are being reported that children are being abused at their homes. Fathers, close relatives are all involving in this cruelty. Children in high risk families, where there are alcoholic and violent parents are in constant fear even their homes.
Child Labour is another form of abuse. All surveys show that the number is increasing. But surprisingly all the officials to curb this manace is turning deaf ears to it . The political parties and trade unions are also least bothered because these children are not vote banks.
We, as socially responsible citizens, must bring out a better stronger awareness among the people about the vulnerable children.We have to create services to help children who have been neglected and abused; both mentally, and physically.We have to bring a service minded forum which will ensure child protection.( The present systems in JJ Act is only a bureaucratic set up which have proved it's limitations and failures.) We must think empathetically and make a difference to the life of these neglected beings.